2005 – Música: Hummingbird Billy


Título: Hummingbird Billy

Álbum: Rollin’ On

Voz Principal: Steve Carlson

Outras Vozes: Jensen Ackles



Cause we all need something
And then again tomorrow
Cause we’re all lost somewhere

Hummingbird Billy saw red
Said all that he could say
To take that gold away from them
And make it come his way

Grabbed that cash and ducked out
Went down the road from where he lucked out
Spent half his heart and got a whole lot
And now Billy got mad clout

Cause we all need something
To make it through today
And then again tomorrow
Cause we’re all lost somewhere
And that’s where we’ll stay

Newfound friends and old loose ends
Somehow found their way
There’s no more rest in Billy’s nest
Billy, he got to play

One new life, two new homes
He got three new shiny cars
With four girlfriends his mama done said
Billy don’t you play too hard

But we all need something mama
To make it through today
And then again tomorrow
Cause we’re all lost somewhere
And that’s where we’ll stay

Humming Billy saw red
And blue flashing lights
Thanks to old friends and new loose ends
A silver bullet took his life
You see one of Billy’s girlfriends
She didn’t like the other three
Oddly enough she got mad
And took it out on poor Billy

Cause we all need something
To make it through today
And then again tomorrow
Cause we’re all lost somewhere
And that’s where we’ll stay

Up in Billy heaven
Life’s never been so good
He got more riches and a lot more bitches
Than he ever thought he would

Cause we all need something
To make it through today
And then again tomorrow
Cause we’re all lost somewhere
And that’s where we’ll stay

Cause we’re all lost somewhere
And that’s where we’ll stay

Cause we’re all lost somewhere
And that’s where we’ll stay

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