Jensen didn’t participate on Covers with Friends IV

In 2018 we announced Jason Manns was doing a fundraising to record a new covers album with his friends. There was a chance that Jensen could be participating since he sang on the previous albums Christmas with Friends, Covers with Friends and Recovering with Friends.

The new album, which is entitled Covers with Friends: Quarantunes, will be released on December 15, after some delay due to professional reasons and all the pandemic constraints. Who supported the fundraising had already access to the album and, unfortunately, the fans confirmed Jensen didn’t participate on this album.

11/Dec/2020 Daniela Godinho 0 comments
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Fundraising for Covers with Friends IV

After the success of Christmas with FriendsCovers with Friends and Recovering with Friends albums, Jason Manns launched a new fundraising project to make a new album with friends. Due to family reasons, Jason will only go through with the project if more than $40 000 are donated so he can cover all the production expenses.

There is also the possibility to have non-cover songs on the album and, of course, that one of the guests to be Jensen.

The donations can be sent to him here.

14/Mar/2018 Daniela Godinho 0 comments
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