Lawrence Kansas is proclaimed as Winchesters’ hometown

With the end of the show and the end of her mandate, the mayor of Lawrence, Kansas, proclaimed the city as the hometown of Sam and Dean Winchester. They were planning to have Jensen and Jared officially visiting the city in March but it was not possible due to the pandemic. You can watch the announcement in the video below.

18/Nov/2020 Daniela Godinho 0 comments
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Jensen visits Lawrence, Kansas, the place where everything started

Before going to Kansas City to be “grand marshal” at NASCAR race, Jensen visited Lawrence, Winchesters’ hometown and where everything started in Supernatural.

@jensenackles: Lawrence, Kansas. Nearly 15 years ago we set out to tell a story based in this bucolic gem of a town. And more specifically, this exact graveyard. The Stull Cemetery. Was an odd feeling walking these grounds…knowing the end of our Supernatural journey will be coming to an end soon. It’s a heavy reflection kinda Saturday.

24/Oct/2019 Daniela Godinho 0 comments
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