2003 – Música: Come Around More Alabama


Título: Come Around More Alabama

Álbum: Spot In The Corner

Voz Principal: Steve Carlson

Outras Vozes: Jensen Ackles



Speak to me
Quietly and clear
Then tell me why you’re here
And tell where you’re coming from
Cause I can’t see
Why you’re leavin’ here so early
Was I wrong or were we
Getting along just fine

You should…
Come around more Alabama
Come around more Alabama
Come around more Alabama
Cause it might just be the right time for you and me

The numbers and the names
All the funny games we play
To stay clear
Tell me what you’re running from
I know that it’s not me
Cause you’re tangled in my thoughts
These days
I now if I could make you stay
Just about a minute more
Then you’d…

Come around more Alabama
Come around more Alabama
Come around more Alabama
Cause it might just be the right time
For you and me

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