2005 – Música: Rocking Chair


Título: Rocking Chair

Álbum: Rollin’ On

Voz Principal: Steve Carlson

Outras Vozes: Jensen Ackles



Heaven, it seems so far away
And gettin’ in right now don’t look too good for me
But inevitably, we all will see
That it all depends on where we’ll be
When the lights go down
And the audience starts to leave

But when my soul floats away
God takes my breath away
All the signs of life have come and gone
Don’t you take my rockin’ chair
Just keep it rockin’ right there
Someone’s right behind me to rock on

Steppin’ up, to shine after I go
To be the one to sit down in my place
Could be my son, could be someone
Who will do the things that I have done
To turn the audience on
And the lights back to the stage

Then when my soul floats away
God takes my breath away
All the signs of life have come and gone
Don’t you take my rockin’ chair
Just keep it rockin’ right there
Someone’s right behind me to rock on

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